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About us





Your True Potential is a Boutique Consulting Firm, founded on July 2013.  We offer Human Capital services dedicated to promote change and evolution in individuals and organizations, guiding them toward their True Potential.


Why we do what we do?

We are passionate about promoting change and evolution in individuals and organizations. Einstein said: "We cannot expect different results if we always continue to do the same." The invitation is to challenge yourself and be open to the changes that are imminent if you want to grow and progress, either individually or within a company or organization.


Your True Potential is a Boutique Consultant firm that provides tailor-made services in Human Capital, working with a strong ontological approach.  That means, we work on the essence and then move on to a focus and action phase. We guide our clients to reach their True Potential, either within a company / organization or individually, based on the exclusively human characteristic of transforming.


Our services provide tools to enhance talents by connecting them with the passions and values ​​of each individual, in pursuit of their career development. As well as to strengthen the business strategy of a company by combining it with the individual forces of its employees, towards the realization of concrete objectives; increasing satisfaction, motivation, organizational climate and retention of talent, promoting increased productivity and reducing absenteeism rates.


We are committed to developing with our clients relationships based on respect, confidentiality, the integrity of individuals and our responsibility to develop new possibilities of growth that are reflected in the realization of tangible objectives.


We assemble suitable work teams that meet the requirements of each client, particularly individuals; large, medium and small sized companies; ; NGOs, or enterprises. We are multicultural and all our services are offered in Spanish and English.



Consuelo Summers

CEO & Founder

What is

Ontological Coaching?

Ontological Coaching is a discipline that consists of accompanying, instructing and training a person or a group of them, with the aim of achieving goals or developing specific skills. It allows people to achieve effective, optimal results. Also being able to develop personal well-being and as well as in their relations with others, whether in the family, social, professional or business environments.


Coaching is a conversational process that allows a person to be guided from a current (present) state to a better future state; identifying what the person is saying about a particular topic. We promote different ways of observing, generating new possibilities of action regarding a specific issue that will lead the individual to overcome their limiting beliefs and the obstacles that are being presented.


We take as a premise that language is not innocent and we generate realities through it. We are creators of our own contexts through what we say to others and what we say to ourselves. Language not only describes but generates the reality in which we live.


The word "Ontology" is formed through the Greek terms οντος, ontos, which means being; and λóγος, logos, which means study, speech, science, theory. Ontology is a branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of being, the existence and reality, trying to determine the fundamental categories and relationships of "being as being."

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires






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